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My Testimony

Hello Everyone!!! I know it's been a while. I just felt that God has been speaking to me & He's asked & told me to share my testimony. Things that have been happening, what I've overcome, & just where I am now. Soooo... here it goes! In May of 2023, I clocked out of work, got home after a night shift, & I was randomly sweating, had brain throbbing, & slightly passed out multiple times. I live with my beautiful family, so my mom knew something was wrong. She instantly called the ambulance to come get me. As soon as they arrived & took me to the ER down the street, I was in instant pain & everyone could hear...

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Butterfly Beauty Ep. 2: Latasha Jeter

It was such a joy to reconnect with my friend Ms. Latasha (@_tashaaaj) to discuss her lupus story, our wins & loses, whether she prefers hot temperatures or cold ones 😂 & much more. This autoimmune life can get pretty hard, confusing, & lonely, but discussions like these provide so much support & education. Thank you for tuning in! I hope you enjoyed. See you next May 💜🦋

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Butterfly Beauty Ep. 1: Karen Villanueva

Oh, to be a butterfly. Ms. Karen V, ( @missvillanueva_ ) a beloved friend from college & I, took some time to reconnect & discuss our lupus stories, exchange advice, laugh, & most importantly, share education around this unpredictable chronic disease. The conversation couldn’t have been more authentic & necessary during this Lupus Awareness Month. Enjoy, & stay tuned for next week's discussion!

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Malia’s Birthday

July... the time of cancers & leos, rubies, larkspurs, red, white, & blue things, many African independence days, grilled food, the endless need for cool air, cold treats, & bathing suits, comets, firecrackers, & sparklers  battles between lifting every voice to sing & something called “pledging allegiance” (whatever that means) July 2020... all of the above coupled with cosmic chaos in a full moon & lunar eclipse, the longing for outside interaction & stimulation, yet the wanting-needing, to combat rampant disease, black vs white, inequity & inequality at the same. damn. time, financial turmoil, brutalization, fear of fear itself... not to fucking mention, it’s hotta than a witch’s titty everywhere.   hear me out though.   in Texas, cacti are...

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Juneteenth 2020

I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you God for the breath I entered this day & being with. Thank you to my family, my immediate examples of unconditional love. Thanks to my extended family, my estranged family, my descendants, ancestors, my friends that are family; to you for reading this. I couldn't begin anything without expressing gratitude first. These days haven't been easy. My mind hasn't had the most linear thoughts. We've gone from one extreme to the next in a matter of three months. Seeing death, life, more death, the fight for life. But, today, I longed to feel enriched, connected, & plugged into the incredible source of strength that I sometimes forget I am...

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